Sarah Holt Reg. OT, (BC)

Sarah Holt has a Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, and an Early Childhood Education diploma. She recently moved to B.C. from Ontario where she worked at a private OT clinic with children and youth ages 0-18. Her experience includes ADHD, autism, oral-motor challenges, dyspraxia, sensory processing, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, and more. Sarah is committed to family-centered care and is passionate about using play and nature to help children and families build success in their daily occupations.

Sarah has been an absolute gift to our team. The insight and knowledge she brings to every student’s support plan is invaluable. We wish we could clone her!


Jordan Grant Therapy Assistant

Jordan joined our team in November 2022 and we were immediately drawn to her gentle nature and collaborative style. Jordan possesses an innate talent to engage with her students figured out that we could not actually clone Sarah, so the next best thing was to create a team of assistants working closely under Sarah’s direction.

on Maternity leave for 2025


Amna Khan

Occupational Therapist 

ASD Wonder Centre, Maple Ridge